How to Create A Weekly Reset Routine To Get Your Life Together

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This post is all about weekly reset routine.

weekly reset routine

Creating a weekly reset routine has helped me stay organized and productive. It has allowed me to stay on track with my goals and ensure that I have enough time in the week to do all the things that need to be accomplished. If you need help preparing for the week ahead, then you should not only create a weekly reset routine, but one that is unique to you. One that will be the most efficient in completing tasks and activities you do regularly. With a regular reset routine, you’ll be able to keep up with your responsibilities and have enough time to do the things you enjoy.

How do you reset every week?

Creating a weekly reset routine is a perfect way to increase productivity. Most people pick one day out of the week which is typically Sunday; however, you can choose any day that works best for you. Each week, start by assessing what needs to be done and what you would like to accomplish. Take some time to reflect on the past week and think about what worked and what didn’t. Then, prioritize the tasks that need to be done and create a plan for the upcoming week.

It’s important to set realistic goals and give yourself plenty of time to complete them. During the week, make sure to take regular breaks and get enough rest. At the end of the week, take some time to review your progress and adjust your goals for the next week if necessary. Overall, a weekly reset is an opportunity for you to press pause, dedicate time to assess and tie up loose ends and then plan for the week ahead.

What should be included in a weekly reset?

A weekly reset should include you reflecting on the past week, setting realistic goals for the upcoming week, and planning all your to-dos. It should also include prioritizing tasks. Additionally, tracking progress throughout the week and adjusting goals if necessary is important.

Other weekly reset ideas that should be included are setting aside time for self-care and relaxation, organizing future tasks and events, and leisure activities. Finally, it is important to review the week and assess what worked and what didn’t. You can improve your productivity with a regular weekly reset routine.

mini self care daily planner

My Weekly Reset Routine

weekly reset ideas

Check out my weekly reset routine! I also created a weekly reset checklist which you can find and download at the end of this post.

1. Clear Digital & Physical Clutter

Creating a weekly reset is a great way to stay organized and productive. Every week, start by clearing digital and physical clutter. Go through your desk, computer desktop, and other areas to eliminate anything that is no longer relevant or needed. Use a timer to time yourself. This can help free up space and make it easier to focus on the tasks that need to be done.

Additionally, delete any unnecessary emails or messages in your inbox and unsubscribe from any email lists you no longer need. Finally, organize important documents or files and back up your data. You can create a more productive workspace by clearing physical and digital clutter.

2. Review Last Week’s Goals

Take some time to reflect on the past week and review your goals. For me I like to do this Sunday night as part of my Sunday routine. Think about what worked and what didn’t, and make any adjustments to your goals for the upcoming week if necessary. It’s important to set realistic goals and give yourself plenty of time to complete them.

Additionally, think about any tasks that were left unfinished and make a plan to complete them in the upcoming week. By reviewing your goals, you will be able to stay on track and ensure that you are making progress toward your long-term goals.

3. Brain Dump To-Dos

Brain dumping is a great way to clear your mind and organize your tasks for the upcoming week. Take some time to write down any tasks, ideas, or notes that come to mind. This can help ensure that nothing slips through the cracks and that all your tasks are accounted for.

When you are finished, prioritize your tasks and plan for the upcoming week. Brain dumping can help you stay organized and productive and ensure that you have enough time in the week to do all the things that need to be done.

READ: The Ultimate Monthly Reset Routine

4. Plan The Week

Once you have identified and prioritized the tasks that need to be done, it’s time to plan the week. Start by making a to-do list. Then create a schedule for the upcoming week and assigning each task a specific time slot. Ensure plenty of breaks and time for self-care and leisure activities. A weekly planner can really help you with this. Also, block off time for any upcoming events or deadlines.

By planning the week, you can ensure that your tasks are completed. Finally, make sure to review your plan and adjust it if necessary. A well-planned weekly reset ideas can set you up for success and closer to achieving your goals.

5. Meal Planning and Grocery Shop

Planning meals ahead of time can save you time and money and help you stay healthy and productive. Take some time to plan out healthy meals for the upcoming week and make a grocery list to stock up your fridge. This can help you stay on track and avoid unhealthy snacking or takeout. Additionally, grocery shopping ahead of time can help you save time and cut down on expenses.

Once you have your groceries, take some time to cook one large meal that can be reheated throughout the week. Finally, include healthy snacks in your meal plan, so you have something to munch on throughout the day. Meal planning and grocery shopping are must-dos to ensure you eat healthy meals throughout the week.

6. Catch Up on Laundry

weekly reset examples

Doing weekly laundry is a great way to keep clutter at bay. Every week, I take some time to do any necessary laundry and make sure that my clothes are washed and organized. I do this either Friday night or sometime during the weekend. Additionally, I spend some time folding and putting away freshly washed and dried clothing.

This can help free up space and make it easier to focus on the tasks that need to be done. Finally, check all your pockets before putting your clothes in the wash, and clean your closet if necessary. Catching up on laundry can ensure clean clothes for the upcoming week.

7. Clean the car and get gas

Every Saturday I take some time to clean out the car and throw away any trash or items no longer needed. If the car needs to be washed, I do that as well. Lastly, I fill up the gas tank.

This can help save time and money and ensure my car looks great for the new week. Finally, I check for any car-related appointments or deadlines and schedule necessary services or repairs. Cleaning the car and getting gas can ensure your car is looking good and running great respectively.

8. Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep is an important part of a weekly reset. Make sure to go to bed reasonably and get enough rest so you can start the new week refreshed an energized on Monday morning. Additionally, make sure to limit screen time and take some time to relax and wind down before bed. Finally, avoid caffeine, alcohol, and sugary snacks at least 2 hours before bed.

When you get a good night’s sleep each night, you’ll feel well-rested and have enough energy to get through the week.

9. Relax & Recharge

Relaxing and recharging is an important part of a weekly reset . Take some time to do something you enjoy and give yourself a break. This can include reading a book, watching a movie, or going on a walk. Also, make sure to spend time with family and friends or do something for yourself. I sometimes like to go on solo dates or just lounge around at home and turn on Netflix.

Weekly Reset Checklist

weekly reset checklist

Final Thoughts

Creating a weekly reset routine is a great way to stay organized and productive. It involves assessing what needs to be done, setting realistic goals, taking regular breaks, organizing future tasks and events, and taking time for self-care and leisure activities.

Additionally, it is important to clear digital and physical clutter, review last week’s goals, brain dump to-dos, plan the week, meal plan, and grocery shop, and review and reflect at the end of each week. You can increase your productivity with a regular weekly reset routine.

I hope you liked my routine and my checklist with weekly reset examples.

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